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The Breath Between Us


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The Breath Between Us is a durational performance inspired by conversations with scientist, Dr Sonia Rocha from the Wellcome Trust Centre for Gene Regulation and Expression at Dundee University.  Intrigued by Dr Rocha’s research into hypoxia, where she is looking at how cells respond to low oxygen levels, Pernille became interested in working with the invisibility of oxygen, and using controlled breathing techniques she explored how the body would respond to fluctuating oxygen levels during a prolonged period of time.  Over 3.5 hours, the artist’s breath became visible as she transferred the breath from her body into a meteorological weather balloon until it expanded to the height of the artist herself.  


The Breath Between Us was a commissioned performance for the ‘Shared Imagination Symposium’ and Exhibition, a Wellcome Trust and Exhibitions, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, collaborative event.  The performance took place on the 6th October 2011.

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Photographs by Ross Maclean

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